With the importance of maximising conversions or engagement in a digital minefield: businesses are turning to Neuromarketing. Understanding psychological techniques and gathering real research on your target audience (beyond Google analytics) has been gaining greatly in popularity in recent years. This is mostly due to the positive impact the correct neuromarketing strategy can have on a business' bottom line.
With today’s attention span being at 8 seconds, you’ll be a hero if you reach the end of this article.
It’s vital to recognise that Neuromarketing encompasses vast numbers of techniques and principles; from research into cognitive behaviour across to such innovations as eye tracking technologies, just scratching the surface. It is important to know when and where best to use these techniques to ensure they have the desired effect on your business and that they generate the greatest return on your investment.
A simple, but highly effective technique used here at Grow, is “
The Three What’s’’. This psychological principle can be implemented and understood at any level within marketing divisions. While it is best suited for web and landing pages, it can also be used across Google Ads copies and social ads.
So, What are the Three What’s
According to the latest scientific research, when your audience visits your website three main questions arise in their non-conscious minds..
- What is this?
- What is in it for me?
- What do I do next?
You may think this is hardly revolutionary, but considering the number of websites we analyse and inspect on a weekly basis, you would be hard pushed to find websites where all three of these questions have been answered satisfactorily and succinctly.
It is vitally important that when a visitor arrives on your website, they subconsciously feel at ease. Confirming immediately that they are in the right place is the best way to do this. We only have six-hundredths of a second to immediately impress our visitors. Once their attention has been captured, we have to maintain it. With current attention span being at 8 seconds, you’ll be a hero if you reach the end of this article.
It is not necessarily all about how ‘’pretty’’ the site looks, but how it instils confidence in the visitor that this website is the right solution to their problem.
With the volume of online distractions increasing and attention spans shortening by the day, informing your potential client of ‘’
what is in it for me?’’ in an emotive sentence encapsulates the benefits to them, rather than the old hat format of merely discussing the features.
The third question, although seemingly the easiest, is the most commonly missed –
what do I do next?". We often find websites giving visitors too much credit when it comes to user journeys. You literally need to map out, direct and tell them what you want them to do. If you do not, you are leaving the pathway in your visitor's hands and the old age saying ‘’
if you don’t ask, you don’t get’’ never rings truer than on a website. Subscribe here, request a call back, contact us. Make sure these options are clearly visible.
Case study

As you can see from the above snapshot of a client's website, the
Three What’s have been answered.
What’s this? Large company logo reaffirming those site visitors who are familiar with the brand, and then clear defined description to instil confidence in those visitors who require more detail in the service offering:
Surveying, monitoring & inspection services using drone technology. What’s in it for me? Benefits to visitor/customer, USPs:
High accuracy & high reliability. Industry leaders.What do I do next? CTA Call to action, the most forgotten button. No doubt you are running marketing campaigns to drive traffic, whether that be Google ads, or investing in an SEO strategy, producing blog articles or driving visitors through social media advertising campaigns, but it is vital to clearly instruct your visitor on what to do next. You will also notice that even if the visitor isn’t ready for discovering the benefit, there are clear indicators that more information follows beneath the fold.
What is the impact
This business has seen an increase in online conversions up to 50%.
To summarise
Three What’s described here in broad strokes, is just one of many effective neuromarketing techniques. It can be applied across all communication streams to increase engagement, and enquiries, with a direct correlation to increased revenue in the majority of cases. To gain a greater understanding of how you can apply this within your business for
excellent measurable impact, reach out to us today.
To find out how we can achieve a neuromarketing strategy that generates ROI to your business,
contact us below for a consultation.